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Random Awesomeness: Why Mega Man X is the best Mega Man game

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I think we’ve all heard of a certain someone called Egoraptor. His unique animated videos have been a mainstay of video game culture for a good time now. Now he’s launched a brand new series called Sequelitis, which is exactly what the name implies.

His second episode, which focuses on Mega Man Classic vs. Mega Man X, is fresh from the Youtubes and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen about video games this year. It’s kind of hard to explain in text format, but expect a good commentary about how game developers treat players like brain-dead meatbags mixed with a very generous dose of “Why Mega Man X is the greatest Mega Man game ever.” Still wary? Well you’ll just have to trust fall into the cut below and see for yourself.


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